If you are anything like me, you may have waited a minute too long to go stock up. You are left with rice, beans, and…. canned jackfruit (ps I have never cooked a jackfruit in my life!)
It is unclear if it’s happening EVERYWHERE in the US as of today. But in many cities / states restaurants have been closed for dine in and only takeout is an option. It’s only a matter of time before your city is next.
Enter no-contact delivery. A number of delivery services, such as JustEat and Doordash, are beginning to offer an alternative: no contact delivery.
The premise of this service is to call the delivery company and specifically request that the delivery person conduct a no-contact delivery.
This means that the restaurant promises strict disinfection and hygiene standards in the handling of the food, and furthermore, the delivery person will put the food down and always maintain a 6-foot distance with the customer.

The idea is that by limiting the handling of the food and preparing it in controlled environments, the potential spread of pathogens will be hindered.
At the moment, perhaps due to the novelty of this kind of service, there is no scientific consensus on whether this type of food delivery is safer.
Nonetheless, both restaurant patrons and restaurants are banking on it, as people begin to get cabin fever from staying home and restaurants take a big hit in terms of lost revenue.
See What Good Restaurants Near You Are Using Doordash No Contact Delivery Service