2nd Address is Suited for You

Have some spare room or guesthouse… but don’t want new people coming in and out every few days?

Maybe 2ndAddress is better “suited” for you.

2nd Address heard of this gem yet? That’s ok – that’s why we are here, to keep you up to date on all the cool ways you can be earning more income in your life and just BE A BOSS ASAP!

2nd Address is longer, but still short-term rental site with a focus on corporate relocation. Maybe you don’t love the idea of young couples coming in and out every few days on Airbnb. Maybe you just want to be more comfortable with who stays at your place – imagine a traveling nurse (in town for a few months working at the hospital down the street). Picture the business professional that just moved to your town but needs to make sure he’s making the right choice for his family before moving the wife and kids. This is what this site was designed for, professionals, in transition both geographically and professionally, that need a place to hang their hat. And think about it – you’re providing the right place for the right person.

  • What are some of the concerns with any stranger in your home / property?
  • What if they have a party? These new folks barely know anyone in your town – so check that off the list!
  • What if they are a criminal? 2ndAddress does a full background check on each prospective tenant.
  • What if they wreck the place? There is both a security deposit and an insurance policy in place to address that concern.
  • What if they are wild??? Remember, they moved here for business, not to join a frat.

You’ll be renting out a furnished unit – and just your luck, it turns out you can get much more than market value for the space. To provide a safe, clean, temporary environment that is conducive to a professional lifestyle is valuable for corporate transplants. And the monthly leases surely compensate you for that. SIGNUP NOW!


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