Lesson One:
Think about it. A transaction is made. One person gains money… the other person deducts money. So, very simply stated: Those selling things GET THE MONEY! Do a quick google search about average yearly salaries nationwide. Those in sales positions stand to earn an average of $55,000 per year with a ceiling of….. Get this….. THERE IS NO CEILING in sales.
Lesson 2:
There is no degree or university that will teach the gift of gab and grit. Some people got it…… and some don’t. Luckily, According to research, extroverts account for 2/3 of the population. That means 66 out of 99 people reading this article are natural born salespeople. AKA Hustlers.

If you fancy yourself outgoing, love talking to people, or identify with any of the 4 head images above (extroverts) then you already are half the way there. This, natural way of being, is in fact the roots of any entrepreneur, killer sales person, realtor, car salesman, store owner, etc.
Lesson 3:
What am I getting at? If you are one of the majority of extroverted Americans, that you already have the makings to start a business right now. No startup costs and to become profitable by the end of the week. You are probably thinking, “How so?”
- Make a free website on Wix. Anything you are capable of. Washing cars, mowing laws, making furniture, painting walls, cleaning homes, organizing closets, spray painting sheets to become awesome banners (for the taggers reading this) making cakes, teaching cooking, changing oil…. It’s infinite what a human is capable of without any formal training.
- Pick up the phone and start dialing ANYONE and EVERYONE in the phone book that you think could use that service. * This is hustle. *This is grit. *This is hunger. This is what gets some people fed well while others seem to starve.
- Start listening / watching / reading the FREE CONTENT available (Links Below), from those who have done just this: Created something big – from nothing at all. This will inspire you. Remind you awesome shit is possible.
- Dedicate 30 minutes / day to this new initiative. If you do SOMETHING NEW every day for 30 minutes – you are DESTINED TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW. Think about it. If you take an entirely new set of directions everyday – you will surely end up somewhere you have never been before.
OK, but what about our introvert friends reading this?
Introverts: Think, accountant, web developer, engineer, admin assistant, your quiet aunt Martha that just sits in the corner knitting blankets for the better part of 50 years 😉 These people are so necessary, as without them we would not have the thoughtfulness and ability to do the things sales don’t come naturally to the salesperson. We all know them, the amazing artist, songwriter, writer, mechanic, inventor, knitter, rapper, etc. These people make great things. Really cool things. One problem. They don’t know how to get them into the public eye in exchange for cash.
When these two personality types join forces:
(introvert) skilled person, creative type + (extrovert) salesperson, tenacious, outgoing, hustler….. Well now we have the makings of a great company. So basically – if you area a person with a skillset that you aren’t monetizing – or you KNOW a person with a skill they are not monetizing its time to JOIN forces. Same steps apply as mentioned before – just the hustler goes and sells the products / services on behalf of the inventor.
Lastly – this is for the TRULY HUNGRY – READY TO MAKE MONEY MOVES:
- Watch at least one of the motivating movies listed here here.
- Then take some time to think, “What industry local to me do I find interesting or particularly good at there skillset that I can go sell?”
- Call all of them you can find online or in the phone book.
- Setup yourself up as an outsourced sales or business developement position. Here is an example of what that could look like.
Hustler Thinks: I really like my local dry cleaner. They do a great job. I have knowns the owners for years. I trust them.
Hustler: “Hey Armen, I’m grateful for all the good service al these years. I love you guys. I would love to grow your business and also and start making some extra cash for myself.”
Armen: “Well, we find that of every new customer that comes in, they repeat at least 10 times. So I would need to see the caliber of the people you send in to see how long they remain customers. So perhaps to start, I can pay you $5.00 for the first time a new customer drops off a garment that mentions you sent them. You can even offer 11% off for the first visit. That way we will always know it was your guy.”
Hustler: “Sounds good.”
Hustler immediately starts thinking of all the places locally he can reach out to potential new customers on behalf of Armens Dry Cleaners. Perhaps management groups all around town.
Hustler: “Hi property manager of local apartment complex, office building, or home owners association. We are offering a discount for all our local residents of 11% off getting your dry cleaning done at Armen’s. Times are tough these days and we can all use a break these days and cut cost’s wherever possible. I bet your tenants or residents would appreciate the favor. What is the best way for to let all your people know about this unique deal?”
Property Manager: “Best to just put the fliers on their door. Or send me a copy of the promotion and we will send it out on our quarterly newsletter to tenants.”
Huster: Great what is your best email so I can get that over to you? Please confirm once you have received it. Also what date is your next newsletter scheduled to go out?
Hustler immediately whips up a coupon on line – or even with markers. Puts the specifics “11% off first visit. Bring this in when you arrive. Address, reason to go there” Takes a picture if done by hand.
Sends immediately to the email address provided by decision maker.
Sets a calendar event for 3 days prior to newsletter send to call and remind and confirm it is in the queue.
- Prints 50 pages all with 10 coupons each.
- cuts them up.
- Gets some tape.
- Heads over to office or apartment complex.
- Tapes these coupons on EVERY tenants door.
- Finally calls Armen and says “Be on the lookout for my custom coupon. The people will be coming. Be sure to save my $5.00 per new customer 🙂
This entire illustration is ONE of infinite ways a person can insta turn into a sales person. With no education. No product. Just straight hustle, grit, commitment. Repeat that legwork everyday until you have way more money than you do today.
Follow these instructions. You can literally go from being unemployed to becoming a business owner with in 24 hrs. FOR FREE. You can go from waiting on a payday loan to going AFTER an actual payday.
Suggested List For Continued Hustler Education From The Pros:
You can find a ton of content across Youtube. Facebook. Instagram. Free college with a high paying annual salary at the end of the day. Sales people can make more than a lawyer or doctor. Sales people working for a bigger company make great money. Sales people that make their own company GET IT ALL!~
Grant Cardone: Infinite motivation – hustle – Truth
Gary V Official New Jersey Hustler Mother Effer
James Clear: Amazing shortcuts to change shitty habits to ones that help you kick ass!