So you started driving for Doordash, Postmates or Amazon Flex?
Or maybe you haven’t.. (Click the links above to learn more about the respective delivery services)
There’s so many ways to make money with your car nowadays.
With delivery driving there are opportunities far beyond just dropping off pizza and hoping for a good tip.
Networking is the name of the game.
That’s right, being a courier can actually be a great means for you to meet tons of people and there’s many ways you can benefit from those small interactions.
Are you an entrepreneur? Maybe you’re a painter, personal trainer, photographer, handyman, caretaker, nanny, etc.
No matter what your hustle is, you could make money delivering for Postmates, Doordash or Amazon Flex WHILE generating clients for your business.
Here’s a real example:
My girlfriend Lily is a baby-sitter, she goes to college and drives with Doordash so she can make money with a flexible schedule that she chooses.
She’s a true Bossified hustler.
She put all the information about her nannying services on a website created for FREE using Wix.
Then, she created business cards with her website printed on them.
When she’s out delivering food and smiles in local neighborhoods, she’s also dropping off her business card with every person she comes in contact with.
She’s gotten so many new leads from this that she’s been able to up her price and charge more for each baby-siting gig!
Here’s the truth:
So you’re out delivering food and you leave your business card with somebody’s order. Even if they may not need the particular service you’re providing, the next time they do or someone they know is need they’ll most likely still have your business card around.
That’s the great thing about business cards, they’re a reference that people can always go back to whenever they need your contact information or services.
Plus, it makes you look way more professional and shows them that you mean business!
So while you’re out hustling making that extra cash delivering for Amazon Flex, you can also be making major moves on growing your business!

Other Ways To Make Money While Delivering
You’ve made it this far, I could tell you have the hustle within you.
Since I love helping out my fellow hustlers, I’ll leave you with some additional ways you can make extra money while you driving for Doordash or any of the other courier services mentioned in this article.
1. Wrapify
Wrapify is the #1 rideshare advertising platform in the world. They pay you to advertise companies simply by driving your car while its wrapped. The more miles you drive, the more you get paid; so if you’re a delivery driver this may be a great option for you!
You can earn over $400 per month for a full wrap advertisement on your car!
If you’re not trying to completely change your cars paint job, you can do a small decal on the rear window instead! Of course, you’ll get paid less but you can still earn around $100 this way.
Best part is there’s no upfront costs & it’s simple and easy to start. Simply download the Wrapify app to get started.

2. Help grow your friend’s businesses
Don’t have your own hustle to promote while you deliver?
No problem. I’m sure there’s somebody you know with a business or hustle of their own.
Sorry I’m not talking about your friend from high school who still sells weed. Let’s keep it legal here. What about that one friend you know who’s a personal trainer? We all have one of those, don’t we? No? Ok..
Here’s an idea, offer your friend to pass out their business cards while you’re delivering.
Make a deal. Any new leads that you get them from YOUR hustle, YOU keep a piece.
Don’t undermine yourself or your hustle! If you want it, go get it! We’re here to help you.